CORPORATION ITAIPU SA de C. V. es una empresa 100% Mexicana, constituida en el año 2003, que se dedica a la construcción, instalación, mantenimiento y servicios para el sector de la industria Petrolera (PEMEX) y otros clientes.
El nombre de ITAIPU (the guaraní, the “stone that sounds”) comes from the hydroelectric plant of the same name that is located on the Paraná river that is the border between the countries of Paraguay and Brazil. By adopting this meaning to make us sound and highlight as a solid company and responsible.
ITAIPU CORPORATION, obtuvo la certificación en la norma internacional “ISO 9001 – Sistema de Gestión de la Calidad”, en agosto del 2014, y en la actualidad nuestro sistema de gestión Integral, se encuentra certificado bajo las normas ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 y ISO 45001:2018, con la última actualización en mayo del 2022
ISO 9001: 2015
This standard is a quality management system which seeks to ensure that the performance of the activity of the organization is oriented to the continuous improvement and the products and services supplied to satisfy the client.
ISO 14001: 2015
This standard is an environmental management system that allows companies to demonstrate commitment to the protection of the environment through the management of the environmental risks associated to the activity.
ISO 45001: 2018
This standard is a management systems for Safety and Health at work has the objective of preventing occupational risks, the results obtained are for the prevention of injuries and deterioration of health.
What is the reason for our company?
Provide services and electromechanical systems of detection and gas suppression and fire, with quality, safety, sustainability, respecting the environment and ensuring customer satisfaction.
What we want to become?
Being a leader in the provision of services and electromechanical systems of detection and gas suppression and fire, securing the loyalty of our customers by generating values of quality and trust in the service.
CORPORATION ITAIPU, it has positioned itself quickly in the sector of services to the oil and gas industry, the energy-and area-related, making national and foreign companies, we awarded contracts of exclusive representation to provide your teams and services, such as:
1.Create a culture of attention to Quality, Safety,
Occupational Health and Environmental Protection
under constant training.
2.That our employees, partners and third parties understand
and comply this policy, as well as the measures of
safety and environmental related to their activities.
3.Comply with customer requirements , prevent work accidents
, mitigate environmental impacts and
make an unavoidable social obligation of all personnel
who work in the company.
4.Zero tolerance to recidivism in unsafe acts
and non-compliance with our quality, environmental, safety and health policy at work.
5.Comply with the standards governing Quality, Safety,
Occupational Health and Environmental Protection.
We promote teamwork in the entire organization, in order to optimize the communication between the different areas, and promote the learning
We pursue permanently the incorporation of new modalities, the use of new materials and the incorporation of technology in all areas of our company, as it is an indispensable condition for achieving leadership.
We have good judgement to make decisions, word to comply with and awareness of the environment in which we develop.
We provide services attached to the safety standards, which ensure the life of the workers.
We are committed to culturally adapt our business strategies to preserve the environment.r.